Sunday, July 31, 2011

act 2:45

"Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need."
acts 2:45

As we enter any major city in this day and age. The lights shine bright against the billboards of objects society wants us to want. We see the television ads of what we need to live. My question is how do we need it for tomorrow, when we didn't have it yesterday? Evidently the word "need" means something you require to have because it is essential to your daily survival. Our early church had their focus right, they were filled with the Spirit. The early church knew that God was in their presents Jeremiah 30:11a says, "I am with you and will save you, declares the Lord." With confidence from this, they were able to sell everything they had and give to a brother in his time of need. 
This verse reminds me of a trip i took to the beach with a few families from the church. As me and my best friend-Tim fished and helped my little brother-Jeremiah (who is 9) cast off the shore. We had a multitude of little boys hanging out with us within minutes, we didn't know who they were but it was all good company. As my brother got tired of seeing us bring fish after fish in, he decided to go swimming. When he was gone we asked him if we could use his pole to let our new friends practice fishing. He said yes, and gave me a little look. I knew what his look meant because i all to often have the same look in my eye. Its that, "yes that is fine because i have been raised to do it, but i know someone will break it" look. Sure enough some sand got in the inner compartment of his reel, and it was broken (for the time being). He came back and just looked at me and said, "i knew i shouldn't have brought it." Well i ended up fixing it for him later, and everything was fine, but i all too often have the same feeling with the things I have been assigned a steward to. Every time something breaks, God renews it, and I am constantly learning that they were God's to begin with. 

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