Sunday, July 31, 2011

act 7:55

"But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God."
-Acts 7:55

Stephen was in the hot seat, with men literally surrounding him because of the way the Sanhedrin was set up. In the heat of things, he stops and looks up to heaven. This is key in our walk with God, all too often we get to climax in the story and we try to  make the story about someone else, "Hey listen if your upset you should find the apostles they were they ones who picked me up for this food ministry anyway." But Stephen gives us the best example, he kept it Christ focused. He had the attention of everyone. It says in verse 58 that there were witnesses. How powerful is that to the witnesses to be in the sights of your enemy's gun, to be on the receiving end of many stones? And say, "right there! i see the glory of God, and Jesus standing at his right hand, the Spirit is with me, its about You." I don't see Stephen dying for what he believed in, but i see him living for what he believed in. 
Being filled with the Spirit, seeing God and Jesus looking down at me is and inspiration to me, because He is with me no matter where i go. I will continue to live for what i believe in.

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