Sunday, July 31, 2011

act 2:46

"Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts,"
acts 2:46

Today we see Jews and Christians as separate religions, but the truth is the three thousand that believed at Pentecost were still Jews. Jesus Christ our Savior was in fact a Jew. You see Jesus did not come to destroy the Law, but to fulfill the Law. So it made sense that these three thousand would continue to worship and fellowship in the temple courts, because Jesus Christ was the answer to their questions. This belief was were convict arose. See half the Jews did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah, and the other half (the early church) knew Him to be God. This verse must have took weeks to be carried out. So things got hostile at times, just enough for the early church to begin meeting in homes. With sincere hearts they continued to grow with each other in Christ our savior. 
Believing in Jesus Christ gave us freedom. He took us from the works we were doing in hope of being good enough by going to the temple, to the freedom of His love bringing Joy to God's heart everywhere they went. With Glad and sincere hearts they fellowshipped and broke bread everywhere. They could literally role out of bed and worship together in their homes. This freedom through Jesus Christ is what brought us "glad and sincere hearts."
One thing that caught my attention was the two words "every day." How often do we see our church family? Sunday morning, maybe the evening service, perhaps Bible study on wednesdays? I want to spend everyday with my brothers and sisters in Christ. Therefore i plan on spending each and everyday with the Church, and if we are not out in the world sharing the love of christ than we will be at the church building. 

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