Saturday, August 6, 2011

act 8:30

"The Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet. "Do you understand what you are reading? Philip Asked."
-act 8:30
Being a naive kid, i started listening to secular music. Not knowing any of the meanings of the words they used, I began using those words. My mom caught me saying a few of them and she asked if i knew what they meant. I answered no, after she explained some of them i realized those weren't the type of words i wanted in my vernacular. Now the opposite is the case for the Ethiopian eunuch.  He was repressing something he had no idea what it meant, but i'm sure that once Philip was able to share with him the Good News that Scripture brought he was only more inquisitive about Jesus Christ. 
I want to understand anything i say, if i don't i might stumble another follower of Christ. 

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