Friday, September 2, 2011

Ephesians 4:25

"Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body."
-Ephesians 4:25
Get rebuked! Rebuke people! As Ben-David leaves today this is whats on my mind. But God is showing me that this verse is more of an exhortation to the unbelievers. I remember in high school, when ever religion would come up, i would say something along the lines of, "I know what i believe, i hope you find it."
Speaking truthfully to your neighbor to me sounds like we need to speak the truth in full. We are all members of one body, that body being the church, and the church is called to the great commission in matthew 28. Simple put we cant spend time dancing around the truth and never getting to it. Granted you have to say it seasoned with salt, and be culturally sensitive. Put away the false hood of saying yeah you're a good person, because there is none that are good but God. And the only way we can be re-signed to God's team is through accepting that Jesus is Christ. 
I'm so happy i grew out of the timid, shy christian i was in high school. I am a man of God and i'm never going back. I'm no longer chasing after the wind, but I'm in my Father's will. Sharing with those the Holy Spirit brings to me. After all God doesn't need us to voice His beauty, but He wants us.

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